Awareness: The Hero Within You (Spanish Edition)

  • File Size: 2637 KB
  • Print Length: 222 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Christian Translation LLC (June 14, 2016)
  • Publication Date: June 14, 2016
  • Language: Spanish
  • ASIN: B01H3X5A42
  • Word Wise: Not Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled


Have you ever wondered about the powers we possess as Christians? Do you love reading about superheroes and their powers? From the series The Hero Within You – Awareness A story that will blow your imagination and inspire you to ask who I am … A Christian fiction book about spiritual warfare fighting with demons.

Many times we are not aware of the spiritual reality in us, because we cannot see it. Awareness is an incredible story about spiritual warfare for every Christian. It will remind you that the Gifts of the Spirit are manifest in spiritual battles and through the battles we wage each day.

Let the reality behind our daily lives be revealed by showing you how God’s call can bring wonders to your life and those around you. You will discover a science fiction story about Spiritual Warfare that will plunge you into spiritual battles in the church with Spiritual Warfare.
Do you want to see how the power of God moves in our lives? Walk alongside our hero through the challenges he will face each day that will test his determination by strengthening your spirit.
Discover the Gifts of Revelation, Power and Inspiration in and through the Spirit in our Hero.

Learn how these gifts are used by our Hero with God’s help. It grows in strength and knowledge next to our hero and embraces the process of growth of the Holy Spirit.

Awareness will show you how people after almost losing their lives are called by God to glorify His name through spiritual wars and fighting for the souls of others.

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